Monday, December 27, 2010

What to do in 2011...

Ok so everyone does the new years resolution thing around this time and I'm all for making yourself the best version of yourself but what are the big resolutions going to be for this year? In 2010 we had an economic crash and hundreds of people lost their job.  Shows like Intervention, Hoarders, and Jersey Shore topped everyone's guilty pleasure list, and in my life things just seemed stagnent! I started the year with an idea that I was going to be single for a WHILE! I did well until about 8 weeks into the year. I met this guy at my gym and he was super persistent so I finally agreed to go out with him. Now fast forward to almost the end of the year and we are still together. Its been an interesting realtionship to say the least.

To give a little background....I am 27 and I have had 3 serious relatiohsips. ALL FAILED! My first was my highschool boyfriend and it was turmoil all the time. We broke up for good before I left for college and since he was my first love, you can imagine that he broke my heart and then of course as pay back, I had to break his. My college boyfriend was hilarious! We were the "Brad and Jen" of Elon. When we broke up people were shocked! We are still friends but clearly we are not dating anymore so it was not meant to be. My "adult life" boyfriend was the biggest disaster by far. He gave me the whole "you're the one" talk and then deciced a year in that he didn't want to get married EVER! Yeah, so he's totally married now. That breakup was really hard on me and ever since then I have been a little harder to warm up to guys. So now lets go back to the current situation....BF #4...

He's a nice guy but we have had some "issues". And by issues I mean...lying, shadyness, and just a complete lack of respect. WOW that sounds soo bad once I type it! The thing is, I'm not sure what to do about this whole thing. I want to start 2011 fresh and not feeling that "ok single at 27...does that make me a weirdo??" He goes back and forth....he loves me and then he does something ridic!

So right after Thanksgiving I found some random texts from a girl in his phone. There was a "I need you to give me a massage. Wink Lol!" Yeah, it was NOT GOOD! Then he basically made me believe that things were going to change and that he had  no intention of pursuing anything with this girl. Not sure what I believe anymore! I'm sure some of you are thinking I'm in idiot and believe me I have heard that in detail from my girlfriends! So hear me out....

I believe in second chances....but not sure how I feel about 56th chances! So what will 2011 hold for my "relationship status"??? I have  no earthly idea but I do know that I will give you all the details of what is going on so that you can learn from maybe my mistakes or very intelligent decisions! Ok 2011 show me whatcha got!!!

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